Saturday, April 21, 2018

A few options for wine glasses.....

I was asked recently about the different types of wine glasses used in the wine blog. I have researched all kinds of glasses, and found you can spend a lot money on all sorts of stemware if you choose to.

My friend Mark first showed me a Riedel stemmed glass that he had, a Vinum Cabernet/Merlot model. It was an improvement over the basic glass I had at the time from Walmart, the wine smelled and tasted better to me. This was an eye opener, and as I read about the family who makes these glasses I realized how devoted they are to optimizing the wine drinking experience.

The shape of the bowl, and the thickness of the glass at the lip really do make a difference in how you taste and smell the wine. I use the Riedel Cabernet/Merlot glass for the initial tasting of all red wines, I feel it allows me to see the wine for what it is. Good or bad.

When I'm not trying a new wine, the Riedel stemmed glasses are used for the special wines I don't drink everyday as it makes the experience that much more enjoyable.

 We also have a set of Bormioli Atelier glasses that we use for Riesling, Gewurztraminer, Albarino, and other fragrant white wines. The shape of this glass really focuses the nose and taste of these wines, I highly recommend you obtain a set of these glasses if you like any of those grapes.

We do have some basic stemless glasses that we use for everyday wines, I found them at various retail outlets for an affordable price. A large bowl glass for red wines, and a smaller bowl glass for Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc, and other dry whites.

Shop around for the Riedel and Bormioli glasses, they can be found for less than normal retail price. Try TJ Maxx, Target, or other outlets....

Cheers!  Ed

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